Release Notes

  • Version 1.27

    Notes not yet available here.

  • Version 1.26

    Notes not yet available here.

  • Version 1.25

    Notes not yet available here.

  • Version 1.24

    Improved error messages during decryption if the entered password is incorrect or if message authentication fails.

  • Version 1.23

    Both authenticity and confidentiality are now guaranteed of encrypted file data, while still maintaining the streaming nature of encryption. Algebraic now uses libsodium's crypto_secretstream API to encrypt file data. The Cryptography and algebraicfile specification pages have been updated accordingly.

    Previous versions of Algebraic guaranteed only confidentiality of encrypted file data.

  • Version 1.22

    The Algebraic > Settings menu item is now positioned according to macOS Ventura conventions.

    A change to the General Preferences icon.

    The app is now signed using automatically managed signing.

  • Version 1.21

    Algebraic now includes “ax”, a companion command line program. Select Algebraic > Preferences > Terminal to install ax and get started.

    Minor user interface bug fixes in the main window.

  • Version 1.19

    The Encryption pane in Preferences provides details on the cryptography algorithms that Algebraic uses for encryption.

    Algebraic guards against accidentally quitting the app if there are active encryption or decryption operations.

    Improvements to the user experience when a directory is dragged to the app's main window or the app's Dock icon.

    Algebraic now instructs your Mac to wait for active Algebraic operations to complete before entering scheduled sleep.

    When “Show password” is enabled in the password dialog, the displayed password can now be selected and copied.

    Major improvements to design and interactivity in the app's main window. You can now highlight multiple items at once, and remove items using the ⌫ key.

  • Version 1.18

    Documentation and design improvements.

  • Version 1.17

    Improvements to canceling active encryption and decryption operations.

    The application icon has been redesigned. We hope you enjoy it as much as we have.

  • Version 1.16

    The memory parameter for the Argon2id algorithm, which is used for to derive encryption keys from passwords, has been increased to 4 gibibyte. For details see Cryptography.

    Algebraic encrypted files can now be dragged to the application's Dock icon to decrypt them. Before this change, only non-encrypted files could be dragged to the applications' Dock icon to encrypt them.

    Improved internal error handling.

    User interface improvements in the main application window.

  • Version 1.15

    This release adds the ability to keep the original input files around after an encryption or decryption operation. The setting can be configured in the General pane in Preferences.

    The buy prompt window now includes a link to the Algebraic's Buy web page.

    The app registration and license dialogs have been moved to a dedicated pane in Preferences.

    The progress windows show more details such as the time remaining for operations.

  • Version 1.14

    Updated the disk image signing key.

  • Earlier versions

    Release notes for earlier versions are not available on this website.